Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Learning to Love Being Pruned

There are times in my life where I feel like God is allowing me to walk through something because he knows that it will bring me closer to him.  I usually refer to these times as pruning from John 15.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  John 15:1-2

If we remain in Jesus, he will prune us to be even more fruitful.  I think that pruning means that he allows us to feel unpleasant feelings and go through hard things because he wants us to grow stronger in our faith.  I feel pruned when I feel tempted to do things that I know are opposite of what God wants for me.  For example, I know that God doesn't want me to have a mind full of worry.  Satan can see that I have a tendency to worry and he will work hard to plant those seeds of worry in my mind.  I feel like God could stop Satan from planting these seeds in my mind, but how would I ever learn how to recognize Satan's attacks and run straight to God if I am never allowed to experience them.  I, in turn, feel like a stronger Christ follower because instead of sowing the seeds Satan planted, I can run to my Savior and know the truth of who I am.  

This week has been a tough one on my mind.  Peter and I have been reading The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer and I am convinced that the fastest way to attract the devil's attention is to grow in your faith.  This book has been stretching me and making my mind stronger.  I have attracted Satan's attention and for the first part of this week he has been winning.  He has been winning because I know how I should be thinking and reacting to things and I have not been going to God to get the strength to do what I need to do.  Satan has been winning because I have been refusing to accept responsibility for my actions and I have been blaming my behavior on other people.  Satan has been winning because instead of running to God's word, I have been running to complaining, whining, and anger.  After a few poor choices, then the guilt sets in and I will often think that God doesn't want to hear from me.

Satan wins no more!  God does not give us a mind of guilt and shame.  God wants to hear from me and he wants to offer forgiveness for my attitude and behavior.  God wants me to work for Him!  Instead of blaming those around me for my actions, I can accept responsibility for my behavior, ask forgiveness, and move on to follow God's plan.  Instead of being mad at others around me, I can know that my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

About a month ago I was having some bad dreams and I felt like Satan was trying to attack my sleeping.  Instead of sitting there worried and afraid I got up and read my Bible and spent some time with God.  I think that is how we are supposed to battle Satan.  When we are hurt by people's actions, pray for them, and remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood.  

I told my husband that I was sick and tired of things coming at me that I had to mentally deal with.  In my frustration I asked, "When will all of this just stop?"  Peter knowingly answered, "When you pass the test." Ouch!  I love the man, but I hate it when he is right!  When I learn to run to God every time that I feel worried, anxious, angry, frustrated, you name it, then these things will stop coming at me so frequently.  

I often look forward to times where I can have peace and I don't need to be pruned.  If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you will see that it seems I only write on here when I am struggling.  I think that is because I feel the closest to God when I am struggling AKA: pruning.  I don't think I should be looking forward to the times when I have peace because in those times I am not growing.  I need to remember that he prunes me so that I can be more fruitful.  I will have that peace and rest I am looking for in Heaven when my battle here on Earth is over.  Until then...

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Hebrews 12:1

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